Welcoming Natalie Lucas!
Portrait of Natalie Lucas against a leafy background with the words “Welcoming Natalie, Project & Operations Coordinator” to the left
Common Spark is excited to welcome Natalie Lucas as its Projects and Operations Coordinator, supporting the vital work of the Sparkler Team!
Natalie brings eight years of experience in a variety of roles within the environmental sector, from natural conservation efforts in the Pacific Northwest, to Integrated Pest Management outreach with the City of San Francisco’s Department of Environment. Natalie loves storytelling and understands the importance of personal narratives, which are a powerful tool in developing empathy in the Environmental Justice Movement. She is eager to work with Common Spark Consulting and witness and engage at the intersections of design thinking, environmental justice, and holistic community collaborations.
We’re excited to have Natalie join us—you’ll be seeing her in meetings, on emails, and at our Energy (in)Equity Trainings — please, give her a warm welcome!
First important question: Snack of choice?
Toast, because the toppings can be savory or sweet! I love a good avocado toast with flaky sea salt, or a sweet toast of smooth peanut butter and cinnamon sugar!
What brought you to Common Spark?
Common Spark Consulting stood out as a great space to dive into the next phase of my career, not only applying the rich and varied experience I have had in the public and non-profit sector, but also a space to weave together the many threads that create this larger tapestry of the Environmental Justice Movement.
In working with the City of San Francisco’s Department of Environment, I aided the implementation of Zero Waste ordinances and other policies that were at the intersection of community health and environmental impacts. I experienced how much time and commitment is needed to support new change: From education, to demonstrations, to identifying pinch points and offering recommendations, hands-on care and patience were needed to reach the goals set out by the ordinance. In order to get folks’ support, we needed to demonstrate the benefits of proper sorting, and support with supplemental education materials or conduct additional site visits to ensure participation. This type of multifaceted work had me questioning: What are the hidden impacts that policies, institutions, and infrastructure have on our day-to-day?
Thinning and repotting “bee plant” Scrophularia californica seedlings at the Marin Headlands Native Plant Nursery
I’ve often been an observer of policy, institutions, and infrastructure impacts. During my time with the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, I supported the growth and care of over 100,000 native plants for projects all around the Golden Gate National Recreation Area. This work was rooted in (pun intended!) stabilizing sensitive habitats, supporting the repopulation of local variants, and public education efforts through field trips and volunteer programs.
Rows of Lizard Tail, Eriophyllum staechadifolium, ready to be planted at different park sites in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area
As I reflect on my previous experiences, I ponder: How might we not only take care of the symptoms of problematic policy, institutions, and infrastructure decisions but also detangle the roots that created the conditions we are faced with now? What are the steps we can take towards more human-centered policy, institutions, and infrastructure?
A tree-planting project site located in the Presidio of San Francisco in 2019
I identify as an aspiring social designer, who wants to utilize design thinking as a tool to empower others in addressing social injustices. I have been seeking to understand more intangible ways in which people are affected by policies, institutions and infrastructure, and have been hoping to dive into the vital behind-the-scenes work necessary to center historically underrepresented communities. I hope to create systems and flows that further support spaces that my colleagues facilitate, foster, and maintain at Common Spark Consulting.
What are you most looking forward to this year?
More hikes around the Bay Area. Once the rainy season calms down a bit, I'm excited to be outdoors again! I love the smell of the ocean and there are so many scenic hikes around the coast (like the picture below).
What does a just clean energy future mean to you?
A just clean energy future is one that is adaptable, accessible, and iterative. One where folks are actively supported in their transition out of the old systems, infrastructure and policies. From my experience working with the Department of Environment, we would implement new ordinances towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly city, such as the push towards Zero Waste. However, we were met with a lot of frustration when residents could not participate in these new programs fully because the infrastructure was not accessible to them. This frustration in turn lost enthusiasm to participate and created spaces for resentment.
“Moving towards a “just clean energy future” means being iterative and open to the many diverse needs of the multitudes of communities that will be impacted by these transitions from older systems to new ones.”
For me, it's more about how we get to the end goal, not when.
What song / album instantly puts you in a good mood?
Estrelar by Marcos Valle, it's Brazilian funk, super groovy and funky and just gets me bouncing along! 🎵
Common Spark Consulting not only works externally with our clients and partners, but we also strive to work inwardly, recognizing that we must internalize the care, thoughtfulness, and intention we hope to represent as individuals and an organization. The Thought Library is where we share our ideas and thoughts, where we are at right now, on topics and issues that we hope will spark conversation for a brighter, more inclusive energy future.