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Jemez Principles in Advocacy

Part of the Energy (in)Equity series, the Jemez Principles Workshop offers a chance to learn and apply the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing in day-to-day energy and environmental work. Whether you work as an advocate, in government, or building partnerships (especially with environmental justice organizations and representatives), the Jemez Principles apply to you! This is a workshop on how you can ‘do things differently’ everyday to make moments of equitable change. Join this workshop to develop your own Personal Action Plan towards justice!

  • Understand the purpose of the Jemez Principles. 

    Practice identifying how Jemez Principles should be applied in the energy advocacy and partnerships.

    Begin Developing a personal action plan for engaging Jemez Principles in one’s own work.

    This is not a mentally light training and as such, we ask all participants to join us with their full presence. Breaks will be allocated appropriately. Attendance is mandatory for the entire duration of the training.

    The training will be held virtually via Zoom. We highly recommend joining the training via computer to encourage full participation.

  • The Energy (in)Equity series is a collaborative conversation that examines how the energy industry perpetuates systemic and racial injustice and what each participant can do to address injustices through individual and collective policy work. Together, we talk about historically uncomfortable topics, help participants understand how the industry got here, and what change for an equitable future can look like.

  • Are there prerequisites?

    Common Spark strongly recommends Energy (in)Equity Foundations as prerequisite for this training.

    Knowledge and competence of racial justice, racial equity, power dynamics, and inclusion is a prerequisite for this training. Common Spark Consulting highly recommends at least the first and second of training offered by Race Forward as a baseline for this understanding.

    Who is it for?
    This training is particularly geared towards clean energy advocates and practitioners from the following sectors: environmental advocates, utilities, implementers, and local and state government/agency staff.
    Common Spark Consulting is offering trainings for teams/organizations, as well as public trainings. To find out about private team/organization trainings, please visit: . Trainings offered through eventbrite are open to the public.

    Are refunds or cancellations allowed?
    This training is highly specialized for our participants. Refunds/cancellations will be granted under certain circumstances. If you need to cancel, please reach out as soon as possible to

July 17

Community Engagement Workshop

November 19
